Currently Watching: Romantic Doctor Teacher Kim (ep. 1-4)


For these past six months I am kind of bored of romantic K-dramas. You know, the excessive love scenes from the start until the end, the predictable plot of a rich man with a poor woman, and soon make me sick. So here I am, watching “Romantic Doctor Teacher Kim” which was released on November 7,2016.

The first episode introduced the background of the three main characters; Doctor Kim, Kang Dong Jo, and Yoon Seo Jung. Actually, I was hoping that the first episode will explain more about Doctor Kim – why he called himself as “romantic doctor” or about the reason of his secluded life.But it tells about Kang Dong Jo and Yoon Seo Jung private lives more. Well, maybe the writer wants to save the best for the last and reveals Doctor Kim’s secret as the story reaches its peak.

Although I was a bit disappointed by unnecessarily romantic scenes in the first episode, I like how the drama shows the every day life of doctors in ER – how they deal with life and death problems, seniority, and troublesome patients. I was like I was watching Code Blue. However, I am not comparing these two right now.


At the end of this episode it was told that Yoon Seo Jung got a car accident with Doctor Moon, her boyfriend. She broke her arm. Her boyfriend died. Seo Jung was so upset. She then went hiking but tripped on the way. A stranger then passed by and helped her. She was brought to some strange place.

Seo Jung didn’t appear so much. Kang Dong Jo has more appearance in this episode. It had been 5 years since Seo Jung disapperance and Dong Jo already became a surgeon. However, he made a mistake when did a surgery on a VIP person. He then was sent to a small hospital in a remote area.


This episode onward will be interesting.  Not only met the peculiar Doctor Kim, Kang Dong Jo also met Yoon Seo Jung in that hospital. Things got complicated then. He had to deal with patients with little staff.

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